
PC Member

  • 2025: SaTML
  • 2024: ICWSM, AISec, IEEE S&P (Poster), USENIX Security (Poster), ACM CCS (Artifact)
  • 2023: IEEE S&P (Poster)

Reviewer/ SubReviewer

  • 2024: CCS, ICML, TOPS (Journal), IP&M (Journal)
  • 2023: IEEE S&P, NDSS, TheWebConf (WWW), ICWSM
  • 2022: IEEE S&P, USENIX, NDSS, TheWebConf (WWW), NeurIPS, AsiaCCS, ESORICS
  • 2021: CCS, PPML (Journal), AsiaCCS, ESORICS


  • 2024 Summer, Seminar: Data-driven Understanding of the Disinformation Epidemic
  • 2024 Summer, Advanced Lecture: Attacks Against Machine Learning Models
  • 2023 Winter, Seminar: Privacy of Machine Learning
  • 2023 Summer, Advanced Lecture: Attacks Against Machine Learning Models
  • 2023 Summer, Seminar: Data-driven Understanding of the Disinformation Epidemic
  • 2022 Winter, Seminar: Privacy of Machine Learning
  • Bachelor Thesis Supervision: Thomas Boisvert